October Newsletter
We Are Called
We are continually overwhelmed by the magnitude of God’s goodness he has lavished on us! So many new and truly powerful things are happening. Doors are being opened and lives are forever being changed. So much has happened in the past five months, it would be near impossible to arrange words in any order to express everything that has transpired. In mid-May both Emily and I returned to Santa Maria de Jesus, but more importantly to the people we know and love. We were thrilled to be ‘home’ and doing what God had laid on our hearts so many years ago.

Brennan & Emily
We quickly dove into work at the feeding program that was established in December, doing home visitations, and seeking medical aid for those stricken by illness. But, most importantly old friendships were re-joined and new connections were made. After spending six weeks in Santa Maria, Emily had to return home to Vermont.
Before flying home, we had numerous conversations in regards to what our next steps would be. It was clear that our hearts had forever been captured by this beautiful community and culture. We decided to make it official! Emily wasted no time researching, organizing and compiling all the information necessary to apply to be a non-profit organization.
People continually ask us ‘how’ we do what we do. There is an enormous amount of work involved with running a program such as this. Incalculable hours spent doing things you would never even think of. Not only on- the-ground work such as hauling water, washing hundreds of dishes daily, looking for best food prices, searching for medicine, scheduling doctor’s appointments, and nightly lines of people waiting to talk to us… The list could truly go on forever. But, also here in the States. Countless phone calls, emails, bank visits, excel spreadsheets and a list of things to plan that would make anyone’s head spin.
While filling out the non-profit application we were asked “What makes us qualified?” I remember a moment of silence before a burst of laughter. On paper, we are a group of young adults, no fancy titles in front of our names, no claims to fame, nothing extraordinary or perfect about us. Which makes this process all the more beautiful. In our weakness and inability God is glorified. We are thrilled to announce that as of September 10th, we are officially a 501c3 non-profit. Not because we are able, or qualified or extraordinary but, because God has amazing plans for a very special village.
Throughout this process our desperate need for God has been made apparent in more ways than one, but also our need for our brothers and sisters in Christ. So easily our mind can trick us into thinking we have to do Cosechando Felicidad Inc. everything alone, while that was not how it was ever intended to be.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”- Hebrews 12:1
We are so fortunate to be constantly surrounded by some of the most incredible people we have ever had the privilege of knowing. Our Board of Directors is not only comprised of the four most hard-working, dedicated, compassionate and humble people you will ever meet, but they are also our best friends.

Cristian, Wilson, Edwin and Rocael
The four gentlemen in the photo above have all dedicated themselves to serving God through helping their own community. They freely donate hours upon hours of their time and energy to make these programs possible. While Emily and I are state-side they ensure that three meals a day, seven days a week are provided to the elderly. They relay information to us in regards to medical needs and newly developing situations. Together, as a group, we are able to depend on each other, to support each other and navigate this new, complicated, heartbreaking, humbling and exciting journey together. There are numerous volunteers that allow these highly necessary programs to continue. They were our friends who quickly became our family. We are in this together, for the long-haul and we would not want it any other way!

“Never Stop Praying.”~ 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Prayer Requests
Would you please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to move forward into the future God has for us. Please pray for continued safety for Santa Maria as Guatemala remains in a state of political turmoil. Pray for wisdom and understanding as we continue to learn and grow as an organization. As always thank you all for your support. We feel incredibly blessed to have so many people A million thanks, Brennan, Emily, and Cosechando Felicidad Volunteers standing behind us.
Coming Soon
During the month of October we will be launching our new donation feature! This will allow you to select specific meals you would like to sponsor for the elderly. You will receive photo updates about how your donation helped! An automatic payment option will be available through PayPal. Please stay tuned for more details!