Cosechando Felicidad began in December of 2014 and became an official 501c3 in the US an ONG in Guatemala in 2015. Founded by Brennan of Pennsylvania, Emily of Vermont, along with community members of Santa Maria de Jesus. Cosechando
Felicidad seeks to empower and encourage the community of Santa Maria de Jesús, Sacatepéquez, specifically the youth, to help their neighbors. This organization began as its founders were living within the community and began meeting basic needs. Since 2014 Cosechando Felicidad has continued to grow and establish multiple programs. Staff, along with over twenty volunteers assist with the daily activities of the programs. Our board of directors consists of five of our most trusted local volunteers who have served with Cosechando Felicidad since 2014. In addition, we have several volunteers stateside who assist us with administrative tasks and fundraising. All of our programs have various checks and balances in place to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible.
Feeding Program
365 days a year Cosechando Felicidad offers both breakfast and lunch to the elderly within the community. This was established after finding that many of the elderly experience food scarcity, or are unable to prepare the food themselves. The feeding program is open to any of the elderly within the community who wish to come. Additionally, meals are delivered door-to-door to those who are unable to walk to the project. On average, over one hundred plates of food are served daily by staff and volunteers. Cosechando Felicidad prides itself on preparing each meal from scratch using locally grown produce.

Community Center
Cosechando Felicidad was able to purchase the current location in 2018 with the help of countless donors. Providing a safe place where everyone is welcome has always been a priority. It is beautiful to see multiple generations of people spend time together daily.

Medical Aid

Unfortunately due to financial constraints the majority of people within Santa María de Jesus do not have access to proper healthcare. Cosechando Felicidad is able to assist individuals with both acute and chronic illnesses through financial aid and transportation to consults/procedures. Those suffering from chronic illness are able to receive assistance to offset the financial burden of their monthly prescriptions. Cosechando Felicidad has been able to assist countless individuals receive lifesaving, and life sustaining surgeries throughout the last eight years.
Since 2022 Cosechando Felicidad has provided dental care various times throughout the year during week long dental clinics. Individuals are able to be assessed by a dentist, receive emergency extractions, as well as preventive care. Our goal is to be able to provide consistent access to dental care in the coming years.
Short Term Missions
Several times a year we welcome small groups to our facility to help with projects within the community. Throughout the year we take note of any families who are particularly in need, and discuss it with the incoming group. We welcome the opportunity for them to see for themselves how we function as an organization, and what we are all about! We kindly ask our short-term volunteers that upon return home they share their experiences with their friends and family. Raising awareness for the need in Santa María de Jesus is something we need the help of many to accomplish! It is important to note that we do not accept long-term volunteers. We believe long-lasting change comes from within the community itself.
Formula Assistance
Cosechando Felicidad provides monthly assistance with purchasing formulas for babies who require it. Prior to the purchase of formula, each infant is assessed by a pediatrician. Our goal is to provide parents with the resources necessary for both them and their children to lead healthy lives.

Monthly Grocery Aid
Each month we provide groceries to several families within the community. Many of the families have found themselves in need after a big life event (death in the family, acute illness, accident, change in marital status, etc.) A set quantity of sugar, beans, fresh produce, coffee, soup packets, salt, eggs, rice, pasta, etc. is distributed monthly until the family is back on their feet. Many families live primarily off corn tortillas. As an organization, Cosechando Felicidad hopes to provide nutritious options to families who would otherwise not have access.
Online Store and Sustainable Employment
In 2018 we launched our online store to sell typical goods and merchandise from Santa María de Jesús and the surrounding areas. We seek to provide employment opportunities to at risk and poverty stricken families. We want to create lasting change through small business. The products are purchased directly from the merchants year-round at a price that provides them a desirable income to support their family. Beyond providing employment opportunities to empower locals and provide them with economic security, 100% of the proceeds generated from the sales of our online merchandise benefit the programs of Cosechando Felicidad Inc. Feel free to shop our online store from the “Shop” tab on our website.
Feeding Program Sponsorship
To help support the elderly individuals and others we serve through our feeding program we have created a sponsorship program. When you sponsor an individual you are personally partnering with them to provide for their needs during the month. The sponsorship includes providing food, medical care, and any specific health-related items they may require (i.e. adult briefs, etc.). We encourage you to look further into the program by exploring the “Sponsor” tab of our website.
We encourage you to read “Our People” section under our “About” section, check out or blog to find out what is currently going on in Santa Maria, and explore our “Donate” page as we are entirely funded by private donations. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments. We would love to hear from you!