On behalf of myself and the Cosechando Felicidad family we want to sincerely apologize for the long delay in communication. We having been wanting to reach out for a long time now.

The delay was partially due to the hectic schedule over the last month with preparing to come back to the States. It was also due to not knowing what to say or where to begin. There are things that happen, that you can’t even wrap your head around, let alone put it into words. That is the situation that we found ourselves in this past month and a half.

I so desperately want to sugarcoat everything I’m about to write. But, it wouldn’t be true. During the month of April, we experienced things we wish no one ever had to go through. Some of our dearest friends were battling medical issues that took their toll emotionally. We saw medical care that was far from adequate. A friend’s baby was lost. Friends struggled with severe mental health concerns and suicidal thoughts. Violence and crime seemed to be heightened. Emily and I were both dealing with the toll being there long term takes on your body. It seemed everyday was something, and there was no escape the madness.

On April 12th a close personal friend of over six years passed away in a tragic motorcycle accident. Him being only twenty years old, happy, healthy and ready to take on the world, none of us could believe it. Shortly after his passing, there was more heartbreak from a lost friend in the States. “Whether you live to be twenty or a hundred, life is short no matter how you look at it.”

I would be lying to you if I said we slept peacefully each night. I would be lying if I told you there weren’t days when we wanted to hop on a plane and come home. I would be lying I told you there weren’t countless hours of crying. I would be lying if I said we can easily put that month behind us. We are not the same people as we were just one month ago.

There were days when we saw humanity at its worst. There were days when I looked around and was ashamed to be living in a time like this. People intentionally causing hurt for no reason at all.

Each time we felt anger, frustration, exhaustion and heartbreak. Each time the World was at its worst… we saw the body of Christ at its best.

On our worst days there were people that loved us relentlessly, with a Christ-like love. People spent hours upon hours comforting us and reminding us we are never alone. Although there were countless tears shed, there were always arms ready to hold us. Our support system from both in the States and in Guatemala checked in on us, prayed for us, reassured us and offered the gift of their time and resources.

As much as I did, and sometimes still want to complain about how hard things are, how lonely this process is and how none of it is fair. We can’t. Looking back, we were so overwhelming blessing, protected and cared for. Even on the days when nothing went right. Emily and I want to thank you and let you know we are so incredibly blessed to have you all.